Our Story

How it all started...

In 2009 a group of christians from a few different local churches began dreaming of planting a church in the heart of Calhoun County, AL.  The idea from the very beginning was to be true to the Bible, really love one another, and be all about reaching our neighbors and the nations with the gospel.  
We wanted to keep it simple and stay laser focused.  After a couple years, we found an old movie theatre and began renting and renovating to create a space that would be the hub for our mission to make much of Christ together.

Expanding the vision...

We began partnering with missionaries and ministries to reach people with the gospel of Jesus.  From Lebanon to Haiti, to our local SavALife HOPE Women's Center and local FCA chapter, to launching our own Celebrate Recovery Ministry... we want to see people's lives changes by Christ.  

Where we are headed...

In keeping with how we were founded, we hope to continue pointing people to put their hope in Jesus, making Him their Savior and Lord. Only Jesus can save us from our sin and satisfy our hearts completely.
By God's grace, we have begun networking with like-minded, local churches, and we hope to plant and nurture churches regionally and internationally... Making disciples of our neighbors, and establishing healthy, gospel-centered churches among the nations.  

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10am