Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

Our Mission

Jesus has given distinct instructions for His followers to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (Matt. 28:18-20).  Our Mission is to make disciples of all peoples.  We believe that a disciple of Jesus is a person who is committed to Resting, Walking, and Pursuing.

Resting in HOPE

Biblical hope isn’t the same idea that is meant when we say, “I hope it doesn’t rain today” or some other wishful thought without any reassurance of the outcome.  The HOPE that Christ gives will not disappoint.  There is a world filled with hurt, despair, and brokenness.  We believe that Jesus is the hope of the world.  In Jesus, the prisoner can find freedom, the addicted person can discover sobriety, the broken family can be restored or made new, and best of all… anyone who rests in Jesus’ work on the Cross and the empty grave can be made right with God almighty for all eternity.  This is not a hope that we work to achieve, but is promised to all who put their faith in the finished work of Jesus.  God is the great promise-keeper.  So, we rest in hope.  Rest is illusive in this generation.  We are resting in the hope that Jesus has finished the work needed to save us from sin, and that He will finish the work of shaping us to be like Him by the power of the Spirit.  We can rest in His promises regarding our salvation and our sanctification.  We tend to find ourselves in one of two ditches: Work-aholism or Laziness.  But, God models and prescribes for us what healthy work and rest rhythms look like.  From the creation story to the day to day life of Jesus, we can see how REST is actually a faith-filled activity.  We encourage followers of Jesus to rest in the power of the gospel, that Jesus is the only HOPE.

Walking in FAITH

We exist to advance God’s kingdom by making disciples who make disciples. We are walking in faith by daily trusting that God sovereignly knows better than we do.  So, we faithfully connect to other believers in real relationships and do life together as the body of Christ, the church.  We do some self-discovery to find each of our specific roles in the church so that we can most effectively do the work of the Kingdom of God.  We walk our our faith by trusting that God wants to use others to push us and coach us up by speaking truth in love as we develop and grow.  We walk in faith by living everyday to impact those around us.  We want to make a difference for the kingdom everyday.  We don’t think it needs to be complicated, just intentional.  So, here is our simple strategy to raise up faithful disciples of Jesus:

We believe regularly gathering for corporate worship with the local church is invaluable to the growth of a disciple.  We cannot effectively disciple someone who is not weekly gathering together with the church family.  We gather every Sunday for praise and worship, expositional preaching, fellowship, regularly observing communion and baptism, and to stir one-another on toward love and good deeds (Heb. 10:23-25).  This is where each person can use their gifts, serve in the body of Christ, practice gospel hospitality and generosity, and build one another up in love (Eph. 4).

We believe that real discipleship only happens in real relationships.  We can only disciple each other as deeply as we know each other.  So, we spend time together in smaller group settings.  LIFE GROUPS meet a couple times a month in homes and 3-4 families share meals together, pray with one another, and share stories of lifestyle evangelism.  The priority in Life-Group is fellowship and prayer… we are aiming for close friendships.  D-GROUPS meet weekly for about an hour to study the bible together, and discuss issues of accountability.   D-Groups are gender specific, and can meet anywhere at anytime that is convenient for those in the group… we are aiming to know God better & to establish habits for holiness.  

Every christian has been given a mission from King Jesus.  We are all to be missional where we live, work, and play.  We believe that discipleship culminates and is cultivated through personal evangelism.  God wants us all to share our faith.  So, we expect our church to have weekly stories of gospel conversations and people hearing from us about the hope-giving message of Jesus.  We also desire for every person in our fellowship to go cross-culturally to share the gospel on short-term mission trips, especially with our mission partners.  These trips will happen throughout the year.  Also, It is our desire to regularly send out some from among us to give their lives to the advancement of the gospel in some of the most unreached places of the world as career missionaries.  

Pursuing in LOVE

We want every follower of Jesus to love God and love people.  We are pursuing God in loving worship, and pursuing our neighbors and the nations with the love of God believing that He is worthy of and wants their love and worship as well.When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment is, He challenged his listeners with His top two, and surmised that all the Law and the Prophets were summed up with these two commands:
• Heart
• Mind
• Soul
• Strength
• As yourself
• As Jesus has loved you

Our Vision

Jesus gave us a great glimpse into what life should really look like as His follower. Our vision is to see the salvation of the sinner, and the sanctification of the saved, through the transformational love of Christ. We believe this will be done through Worship, Community, Discipleship, and Mission.